Getting regular eye exams is key to ensuring the health of your eyes. However, one in four Canadians who don't wear glasses haven't gotten an exam in at least 10 years. It's important to visit the eye doctor every two years, even if you don't wear corrective lenses or contacts.
This blog will discuss why you should schedule an eye check-up appointment with your local eye doctor. Detect early signs of eye disease while ensuring you can see everything.
Maintaining Good Eye Health
Routine eye exams give you a good assessment of your eyes' health. Your optometrist will look at various parts of your eye, including the:
Blood vessel
Your eye doctor will create a personalized eye care plan based on your specific needs and goals. They can monitor any changes that are happening with your eye, making treatment adjustments as needed.
Detecting Eye Diseases
Eye exams are a great time to not only check if you have impaired vision - your optometrist can determine if you're showing early signs of an eye condition. Some eye diseases might not show symptoms until they're at an advanced stage, such as:
The eye doctor can address any symptoms as they arise and recommend treatment during the early stages of the disease. Treatment is more effective during this period than if you start treating it when it's advanced.
Preserving Your Vision
Discomfort, eye strain, and blurry vision are signs that you're suffering from poor eyesight. You might be dealing with one or more of the following things:
These eye conditions can negatively affect your daily life. A routine eye exam will ensure your prescription is up to date with your vision.
Individualized Eye Care
You might be a glasses or contact lens wearer. You could be dealing with a family history of eye disease.
Whatever your needs are, regular eye check-ups can provide you with personalized care. Creating a relationship with an eye doctor will ensure that your eyes stay well cared for and healthy.
Help With Lifestyle Choices
How you live your life can affect your eye health. Your eye doctor can provide you with guidance on how to keep your eyes in the best shape possible. This can include recommendations on the following:
Eye-friendly habits
Proper nutrition
Sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays
Ways to prevent eye strain
Eyewear for fitness activities and sports
You might not realize there are things you can do in your personal life to improve your eye health. Your eye doctor can give you tips and tricks to help every aspect of your body stay healthy.
Schedule Appointments for Regular Eye Exams in St. Albert
Regular eye exams are something you should stay on top of like you would a dental or health screening. Your eyes do a lot for you throughout the day. Take care of them by booking a routine eye check-up.
The friendly staff at Dr. Holly Parker’s vision centre look forward to welcoming you into our conveniently located office. We offer flexible hours for eye appointments, including weekends and evenings. Reach out to our office to schedule an appointment.